Newington Lane is a family operated business, established in 2021 and based in Sydney, Australia.

Our transformation

I haven’t always been so organized and mindful of my thoughts! Getting to where I am now has been a huge learning curve. It’s a journey I’m still on but the best thing I ever did was to start the process.

When our son was little, our family of three lived in a tiny two-bedroom apartment in Sydney. As I was picking up after him for what felt like the millionth time that day, the saying “A place for everything and everything in its place” came to mind. I realised we needed to do things differently, and be smart about it.

So, my son and I had a chat about what items he would like to keep or donate, the best places to keep his shoes, his school bag and his toys, and we set up a system that gave everything a home. With a bit of persistence, our new approach started to work. When our son got home from school, he put away his shoes and bag and he knew exactly where to find the toy he wanted to play with. He didn’t have to think about it, he hardly ever lost stuff, and he became a lot easier to live with – we all did. I applied the same logic to the rest of our apartment and the clutter started to fade.

Decluttering was just the start of our journey. Next, we applied some clever organization systems and daily routines and we noticed that as our lives became easier, our minds became clearer. With simplicity came the absence of clutter, both physical and mental. I found that being organized actually let us be more spontaneous.

Now, we spend less time tidying up, searching for things, and feeling overwhelmed and more time doing the important things in life. For us, that means travelling and opening the world to our son; simply being present in the moment and making memories.

Organization and storage solutions play a big role in our more-relaxed life so we launched Newington Lane to help people like you take the journey – to see the value of “A place for everything and everything in its place,” to clear your mind, to be present in the moment, and to free your time. The journey has changed my life and I want to help you have this amazing experience too.

Our Inspiration

Declutter your space. Clear your mind. Get organized. Free your time.

Our Vision

Our vision is to show people the value of “A place for everything and everything in its place” and help them on their journey towards a more organized life with more free time, more mindfulness, and clearer minds.

Our goal

Our Goal is to create storage and organization solutions with a focus on function and style that help you get organized and free your time.

Each product in our collection is inspired by a landmark or place that we’ve fallen in love with, so each and every item is beautiful, practical, and inspirational. Each service we offer is inspired by the practice of mindfulness.

After all, what are we doing this for if not to free up more time for the things we love, to be more mindful, and to make beautiful memories with family and friends.